Weight Lifting Chains 34.4 lbs 5/8" Powerlift - Barbell - Crossfit Add-On Set
Advantage Rigging
Technical Specifications
Item: Weightlifting chain | Type: Alloy | Grade: 70 |
Size: 5/8" | Length: (2) 5' pieces | Material: Alloy Steel |
Working Load Limit 90 Degrees: 8,800lbs | Standards: ASME B30.9 Standard OSHA 29 CFR 1910.184 |
Working out with chains has many additional benefits. In addition to the resistance to your workout you can gain, chains can help train lifters to overcome weak spots and improve form. During the lift, most strength comes from the top of the lift. Through adjusting the chain's length off the ground, you can match the resistance and height to the person making the lift.
During the bench press using chains, the resistance is reduced when the barbell is closest to the lifters chest. When the barbell is raised, the chain is also raised which creates increased resistance via weight. This method helps a lifter improve their lift by encouraging a more rapid lift as well as improved stability.
You may see some manufacturers using collars on barbells. The challenge with them is that the fixed position on the collar doesn't accommodate various body types, strengths and barbell heights. Collars are overpriced as well ($25+ per collar) and simply create another challenge rather than solving one. We provide multiple hooks that allow you to safely wrap the barbell and adjust the length as needed. No collars to fuss with, ever.
pretty much perfect
quality chain that will do its job longer than i'll be able to take advantage of them. purchased a bunch of these as add-ons to the kit. great price, shipped quicker than i would have thought.. all around great.. just to bring some balance, i would have preferred they came with carabiners, even at additional cost.. but that's an easy enough problem to solve so not really a big deal
It's everything it needs to be
Thus far, I'm extremely pleased with the product. It's not enough to deduct any points, but the copperish coating on the chains has next to no longevity if you use them for any kind of dragging-based exercise. Might not be such a problem if they're used exclusively for accommodated resistance where much of what they're doing is just hanging or piling into itself, but if it's rubbing the floor at all, that stuff is gone. All that being said, it's hardy, it's heavy, and I love how thick it is. Also, the price is as good as you're going to find anywhere, the customer service was great, and the delivery was shockingly quick. I expected a few weeks for delivery, but it was only a few days. Did not see that coming, but was definitely pleased!
Great Chains
I got these as an add-on to the 5/8" and 1/2" set. Adding these on will add about 100 lbs of chain weight at the top. The quality of the chains is exceptional and I anticipate them lasting a long time. I am very happy with this purchase. Thanks!
They have some of the best prices I've found for these chains and the best shipping rates as well. They had my chains shipped the next day. Chains came the length and weight they said.