11th Dec 2017

New Graphic Website Layout

We're excited to move forward with some significant updates to the Advantage Rigging website. We've added a bunch of new products, including in-line shortening grab hooks by Cartec. These work like traditional adjuster hooks on chain slings, but reduce overall weight and number of components, creating a safer, easier to inspect and maintain chain slings with no reduction in WLL or flexibility.  

We've also greatly expanded our selection of Eye and Eye nylon slings, adding options for additional plies and length, up to 4 ply and 12" wide. 

We'll be adding a similar update to our Endless nylon sling selection availability soon. 

We've also made some serious changes to the store design and layout that you might not notice right away, but that should make it easier for you to navigate. On the side-navigation bar, under categories, we now have a wider selection of "Shop by" categories that link to graphic merchandise layout. Easy to identify pictures help point you to the category you want to shop. For example, this is our new graphic navigation menu for Lifting Hooks

If you prefer the original layout, just scroll a little further down to find all the categories you are used to just the way they were before. We will be evaluating which design is more popular with customers over the coming months and deciding on a single consistent design theme throughout the website. As always, if you have an opinion one way or the other, let us know. We want your feedback so we can make the website work best for you!